Sunday, January 15, 2006

Dark Sarcasms in the Orion Nebula

I wonder what it is with me and the inability to resist the urge to yank a dangling leg...

I just had this conversation on Yahoo Messenger with some unknown who sent me a message outta the blue, from within a Yahoo chatroom:

Name_witheld: Whats on for Monday morning?
Obliv[+]ion: Ask Monday
Name_witheld: Well where are you located?
Name_witheld: Isn't it Monday out there?
Obliv[+]ion: In the seventh sector of the Orion Nebula
Name_witheld: Okay
Name_witheld: So an armchair astronaut
Name_witheld: And how many light years old are you?
Obliv[+]ion: No armchair...
Obliv[+]ion: I guard the portals of the Gemclone colony
Name_witheld: Good... what’s your favorite
Name_witheld: Asimov or Arthur C Clarke?
Obliv[+]ion: I do not like either Asimov or Clarke... both too salty. Need seasoning
Obliv[+]ion: However,
Obliv[+]ion: seasoning is banned
Obliv[+]ion: in the Orion Nebula,
Obliv[+]ion: ever since the white death
Name_witheld: Are you crazy?
Obliv[+]ion: No. Are you?
Obliv[+]ion: Searching for your kind?
Obliv[+]ion: I saw some Klingons pass by lately
Name_witheld: Well I presume so since I am still carrying on this conversation
Obliv[+]ion: Shhh... They sent the crazies to Cyberia...
Name_witheld: Get you spelling right
Obliv[+]ion: Are you sure?
Obliv[+]ion: This is cyberspace... din u know?
Obliv[+]ion: Earthly spelling does not work here
Name_witheld: I know... but that does not stop one from spelling right
Obliv[+]ion: Cyberia exits here. I think you mean Siberia
Obliv[+]ion: That’s on planet Earth
Obliv[+]ion: We are in the Orion Nebula
Obliv[+]ion: They tried to teach earthly spelling here
Obliv[+]ion: There was a pink revolt,
Obliv[+]ion: against the dark sarcasms
Obliv[+]ion: and the kids have since been left alone
Name_witheld: Well do we continue this or try to start again... I am Name_witheld...
Obliv[+]ion: Name_witheld? which tribe is that?
Obliv[+]ion: You must be from the Dark Side
Name_witheld: Well you seem to be really immersed in this... anyway happy guarding
Obliv[+]ion: =)) [YM emoticon for ROTFL: Rolling On the Floor Laughing]
Obliv[+]ion: Bye

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