Friday, February 10, 2006

Busy Trying to Get Busy

Haven’t blogged in a while. Been busy trying to get busy. Have no clue what I am going to blog just now, but, what the heck, one has to make a start, hasn’t one?

That’s the thing about being busy getting busy as well. One has to make that start.

How simple it is to put off for tomorrow what could be done today. As I have claimed before, if procrastination were art, I would be Michelangelo. So, what is one to do if one is hit with this sudden urge to atone for one’s sins past and go about doing today’s stuff today, with a vengeance?

Hmm, I will let myself figure out the solution to that particular problem later. At this point, let me just bask in the warmth of the fact that I feel like turning productive again.

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