Friday, November 10, 2006

Counting My Blessings

  1. It’s night, and I am looking out of the window at the stars as a write this. [1979]

  2. What is the guarantee I will find someone like you again? [1990]

  3. Will you come visit before you have to go away? [1992]

  4. I wish I could go back and fix the mistake I made then! [1992]

  5. Why is it that you never asked me? [1994]

  6. You are going to send me away just like that? [1996]

  7. You are going to send me away just like that? [2002]

  8. What if I say I want? [2003]

  9. I love my ex, I love my son. I find I love you a little too. I’m confused [2004]

  10. “I just called to say I love you…” – Stevie Wonder; left in voicemail. [2004]

  11. Maybe someday we could travel to India together? [2006]

  12. What if I were available? [2006]

  13. Tell you what, I want things to go right. [2006]

Darn! It had to be the thirteenth blessing! ;)

Lies, damn lies and statistics.

[All posts ©opyright of the author. Syndication rights reserved.]
Image ©opyright Niladri Roy

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