I have written about Tokyo Tofu and Dublin Diehards, but never ever about my Münchener Meanderings. Which is strange, because Munich, or München as the Germans call it, is where I go most often.
So, in remorse of having neglected Munich thus far, this, likely, will be an overdone post. I apologize in advance.
Well to start off, I don’t know whether I prefer United or Lufthansa on my way there. I have Premier Executive flight miles on United, so I automatically get an Economy Plus seat with four inches more legroom (oh! aren't I glad! Evil airline first packs the seats in like sardines and then expects you to be grateful for four inches! I mean, who would be? Ask any woman). With Lufthansa, even those four inches are missing, but the drinks are free. The drinks cost $5 on United! Life is so full of hard choices.
However, the flight attendants on Lufthansa are, you know, my type. I am glad for small mercies.
Speaking of flight attendants, let me tell you a funny story about a Lufthansa trip early this year: Had a colleague called Mark with me on that trip; very Caucasian; nice blond-brown beard and blue eyes: pure Bavaria outside, but decidedly America inside. Flight attendant lady comes along, eyes my black hair and brown skin, and goes:
“What would you like to drink?”
“Orangensaft”, go I.
She hands me an orange juice, bemused. Short work.
Then she leans over to Mark and asks:
“Was möchten Sie trinken?”
And Mark goes:
“Uh... oh… er… oranjuice?”
That’ll teach her to profile people next time.

A word about the Kaiser: don’t stay there.
The word for the lobby is depressing. Dark, with 1960’s vintage décor and furniture, and a very unhelpful receptionist who insisted that check-in time was 1500 hours (the Germans don’t like the impreciseness of two 3’o clocks in one day, no matter AM or PM).
Could she hazard a guess when a room might be available?
So I left my luggage in her care, threatened to come back in two hours, and proceeded to roam a cold, drizzly, München. Luckily I had an overcoat, and a cap that kept out the rain, so on the whole, it wasn’t half bad.
I went to Marienplatz, which is the center of town, the oldest part of Munich, probably, and the most touristy place. But on a Sunday? Deserted. Europe has these laws that keep shops and establishments from being open Sunday, which makes for a very depressing latter half of the weekend in most European countries. Give me the convenience of the good old US of A anytime. However, long story short, roamed the train system some more, took a couple of pictures of the central station, ate a chicken sandwich on the Gleis (platform), and returned to the Kaiser to find that, wonder of wonders, I had a room!
I was tired. I slept.
So, the rest will have to wait for another post, when I awaken.
[All posts ©opyright of the author. Syndication rights reserved.]
Image ©opyright Niladri Roy
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