Saturday, January 21, 2006

Of Sunlight and Rain

Singer Harry Belafonte said in a speech to the annual meeting of the Arts Presenters Members Conference. “We’ve come to this dark time in which the new Gestapo of Homeland Security lurks here, where citizens are having their rights suspended,”

“You can be arrested and not charged. You can be arrested and have no right to counsel,”

The man makes his point knowing full-well the backdrop of terrorism and Homeland Security measures that this country has instituted. And well he might. When the Executive Branch pushes the Legislative to provide legal weapons of destruction of fundamental rights, it squanders the social security brought about by centuries of civilization.

It is one thing to claim that the weapons will be used responsibly. It is quite another to try and guarantee that they will never fall into the wrong hands; never be misused in the future.

When one makes a hole in the roof to let sunlight in, one had better think of the rain.

[All posts ©opyright of the author. Syndication rights reserved.]

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