Saturday, December 02, 2006

Canvas in Prawn Salad

Yet another photo-post!

Wonder what's going on with me! Why don't I write?

Ah, well! Some mysteries will remain mysteries. Currently am just glad that I have the alternative of the photo-post, and am not typing up another self-important Bloggers' Block post instead.

The image you see was taken at lunch yesterday, at the Cafe Marcella in Los Gatos, California. Fancy little place, kinda classy; kinda expensive though. The company was footing the bill, so it really dosen't count as an extravagance. Although, I could do with some kind of spulrge-therapy right now. Been doin' too many hard things lately. They had to be done, so, I shouldn't have any regrets.


Lunch was to celebrate the return, after a resignation three months ago, of a close colleague. He decided to come back and get re-hired. I, for one, am glad. I guess so is everybody else. Funny thing: that makes it, in the space of one year, three people who quit our group to find other employment, and then came right back home! People are beginning to call us the Boomerang Boys now.

Oh, by the way! In case you were wondering, the grilled prawn salad was definitely already eaten when the photo got taken. What you see are pieces of beetroot and the tails of those unfortunate prawn...

And, oh yeah! The dessert was Crème Brûlée. Eat your heart out!

[All posts ©opyright of the author. Syndication rights reserved.]
Image ©opyright Niladri Roy

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