Monday, January 30, 2006

Of Buildings and Bushes au Naturelle

More fallout on the move from Building 4 to Building 5.

Readers of earlier posts (see: The Coffee Machine is Broken) might remember that safety was a concern for pedestrians moving between buildings 4 and 5.

The “Axe-Man” voiced another concern in an email to Facilities: “I would like to voice one more concern. The rear exit from the parking lot onto Lexington Ave. is very dangerous for people trying to get out. There are these 3 bushes which block view of the oncoming traffic. Most of my team and related teams work at that corner of the building and prefer parking there. Moving the bushes will certainly help.”

This afternoon, on the ritual walk to Subway for lunch sandwiches, one noticed that the bushes had, indeed, been trimmed.

The Axe-Man’s inspired comment: “Some things sure are running right in this company. Getting solutions investment out of the Intellectual Property Review Board might be worse than pulling teeth… but bush trimming certainly rocks!”

Email may not usually move mountains (or shruburbia), but Building 5 now wears a trimmed bush.

Way to go!

[All posts ©opyright of the author. Syndication rights reserved.]

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