Tuesday, January 31, 2006

To Think; Perchance to Thwim!

Am in the middle of the Worldwide Marketing Quarterly Meeting.

Welcome to Oz.

Unfortunately, wizards are many, and each vies fiercely for the Throne of Supreme Wizardry, tripping over their inordinately long beards of self-importance as they do so.

There are wizards of Outbound Marketing, and wizards of Inbound. Not one, unfortunately, is Earthbound. One and all would soar with the Eagles, and, since Eagles don’t flock, that makes for a pretty darn difficult group to manage.

As if being in the same room with all these aspiring astronauts is not bad enough, one then has to contend with their version of Obligatory Etiquette. Obligatory Etiquette includes items like laughing out loud at misguided attempts at humor by Top-Dwag Wizard. The only known way in Wizdom to ensure that one has been heard to laugh, is to laugh the loudest. The effect, briefly, is not unlike that of a school of barking seal that has just been told the latest by Ray Romano.

However, I particularly like the Kiss of Sweet Death performed by the more experienced wizards on the less savvy new ones still wet behind the ears. Typical KOSD questions usually begin with innocent-sounding introductions: “Could you please explain what criteria you use as your basis of prioritization?”, but end up with observations like: “So, what you are saying is that it’s ok to plunk down $200K on this project when we don’t know if the upside is $100M or $100?” Take more wizardry then Houdini's to wriggle out of that one!


Another Swim-Lane chart is being projected on the screen as I write. Another interminably boring wizard is attempting to demonstrate his wizardry.

Oh, well! I guess I will just cast my own vote with Obligatory Etiquette and laugh out loud at Top-Dwag Wizard’s PJ about synchronized swimming. One can’t win em all.

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