Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Time Goes Slowly at Work

Time goes slowly at work.

Incredible how much you can not accomplish if you put your mind to it.

If procrastination were art, I would be Michelangelo. Faced with a task, I usually, start out by telling myself that I have plenty of time to do this anyway. The illusion of endless time, I think, is the cornerstone of good procrastination. It is one of those concept things, you know: like attaining Nirvana. You have to appreciate the infinity of time and rise above the pettiness of Quarterly Business Planning presentations and Swim-Lane Charts to achieve a state of oneness with the great void of consciousness.

Void of Consciousness. Oxymoron? Hardly! To be conscious of the fact that time is of no importance, that it has existed since the beginning, and continues into infinity, is to appreciate that it represents the Ultimate Emptiness. For, compared with something so vast, everything else is just random white noise.

So I busy myself in my quest of daily Nirvana, my pursuit of that ethereal goal of oneness with the supreme Emptiness.

The day grinds on, but I am immune.

Time goes slowly at work.

[All posts ©opyright of the author. Syndication rights reserved.]

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