To blog or not to blog, that is the question!
I know, I know, I’ve been there before, albeit in a roundabout sort of way when I was waxing lyrical about Omnipotent Blogheads (see: To the Omnipotent Bloghead), but the fact remains that blogging is one helluva demanding discipline.
Sure, some days one might have nothing to blog. What is one to do? Surely, the simplest course would be to not attempt a post. Tempting! Very tempting, but overly simplistic, methinks. For, is it not easy to extend that one missed day to another, and then another, and thence to a whole week, a month, year… you get the artwork!
I heard a recent argument that No-Blog is better than Forced-Blog. The gentle blog-reader maintains that forced blogs don’t sound genuine. Agreed. But does my blogger-anguish sound genuine? What is a blogger to do when straddling the twin cutaneous protrusions on the head of that proverbial Dilemma that suddenly seems not so proverbial at all? To not publish is to perish, and to perish is patently unacceptable, for that would be defeating the purpose of starting to blog in the first place.
Like for other things in life, there is no easy answer.
To blog or not to blog, that is the question!
[All posts ©opyright of the author. Syndication rights reserved.]
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