Of course, I am a great believer that everyone should be allowed those days when they peek outside the covers only to feel like just going back to sleep and not wanting to wake up ever again. I think turn-you-back-on-the-world therapy works sometimes.
Turn your back on your blog is similar. Sinfully escapist, too! On the other hand, the ostrich that has buried its head in the sand hasn’t really escaped, and is in imminent danger of being bitten in the ass by the puma or whatever other creature that roams the barrens of Quitratue. So, it is, like so many other quick-fixes in life, decidedly a sometime thing.
So, I guess, sooner or later, I shall drag my sorry rear out of Blogger Bed, perhaps down a few barrels of coffee, and settle down in earnest to unleash more Blogger Bedlam.
Till then, bask in the glow of peace, gentle [ugh!] Blog Reader, for, through no effort of thy own, thine, briefly, is the kingdom of heaven.
Meanwhile, I shall simply pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep.
Till the time I am bitten in the ass, that is.
[All posts ©opyright of the author. Syndication rights reserved.]
Sculpture by Lawrence Reid Bechtel
Medium: Lilac / Walnut. 1986
Title: Writer's Block.
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